






Jom Download Maklumat-Maklumat Berguna Seperti SOFTWARE, TUTORIAL, LAGU PATRIOTIK DAN CONTOH KEW-PA Di Menu 'MUAT TURUN'. Semoga Temui Apa yang Anda Inginkan ^_^








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Ahad, 4 Disember 2011
Netsupport Manager ALL IN ONE. Klik Logo dibawah untuk download:


1. Cari file HOSTS. Biasanya dia kat C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC
2. Rightclick file tu, pastu select OPEN
3. Pastu dia bukak OPEN WITH... dialog, scroll sampai jumpa NOTEPAD. Click NOTEPAD tu... pastu click OK.
4. Bila dia bukak jer dalam notepad, jangan tukar apa2 kat file tu... tapi tambah kat bawah sekali camni:
5. Takyah letak http:// ke apa.... nama site jer... etc
6. Pastu save file tu.

Cara camni, bila type jer kat browser site yg dah set kat atas tu, dia nanti kata website not found atau dia mintak login and password. Takleh masuk.

Bukak browser, clear cache, and cuba bukak site yang telah di'ban'kan tu. Kalau takleh masuk, kita dah berjaya.

Tapi... haa... ada tapi ni... kalau masih boleh bukak, buat camni...

2. type in>> services.msc
3. Click OK
4. Bila Services window tu bukak, scroll sampai jumpa DNS CLIENT
5. Rightclick DNS CLIENT tu, pastu pilih PROPERTIES
7. Dari dropdown menu tu, pilih MANUAL
8. Pastu click OK.
9. Restart computer tu.

Kalau ada apa2 pelik jadik, korang tukar balik jer setting kat atas ni back to default. Takde masalah.

Khamis, 29 September 2011

  • Apabila telah tibanya Ramadhan, dibuka pintu-pintu syurga dan ditutup segala pintu neraka dan diikat segala syaitan.
  • Sesiapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan nescaya akan diampuninya segala dosanya yang telah lalu.
  • Sesiapa yang mendirikan Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan maka akan diampunkan baginya dosanya yang telah lalu.
  • Bau mulut orang berpuasa lebih harum daripada bau kasturi di sisi Allah S.W.T pada hari qiamat
  • Bagi orang berpuasa mendapat dua kegembiraan yang mana apabila bersahur dan waktu berbukanya
  • Pintu langit dibuka.
  • Pintu-pintu syurga dibuka.
  • Bulan yang penuh keberkatan.
  • Salah satu malamnya adalah lebih baik dari seribu bulan.
  • Ganjaran amalan sunat sama dengan solat fardhu.
  • Solat fardhu mendapat ganjaran 70 kali ganda.
  • Bulan kesabaran dan pahalanya adalah syurga.
  • Bulan menambah rezeki.
  • Bulan keampunan - doa yang paling makbul iaitu doa ketika sebelum berbuka puasa dan doa pada sepertiga malam.
  • 10 hari pertama adalah mulanya rahmat, 10 hari pertengahan adalah pengampunan dan 10 hari terakhir adalah kemerdekaan dari api neraka
  • * Umar ibnul Khathab r.a. berkata, " Orang yang berzikir kepada Allah pada bulan Ramadhan akan diampuni dosa-dosanya dan yang memohon kepada Allah pada bulan Ramadhan tidak akan kecewa.

    * Puasa mengatur keseragaman ummat. Selama Ramadhan, umat berseragam dalam sahur dan berbuka, dalam bekerja dan beristirahat, serta dalam solat, istighfar, dan bertobat kepada Allah. Lidahpun seragam dalam bertakbir, bertasbih, dan bertahmid sehingga tercegah dari kata-kata buruk dan menyakiti orang lain, menjauhi perbuatan keji dan munkar, mengisi hati dengan cinta kasih kepada sesama hamba Allah, selalu baik dan bersih lahir bathin, serta sabar menghadapi segala macam kesulitan hidup. (ulama)

    * Imam Al Ghazali berkata, " Betapa banyak orang berpuasa yang sebenarnya berbuka, dan yang berbuka padahal berpuasa. Yang berbuka tetapi sebenarnya berpuasa adalah yang makan dan minum, tetapi menjaga seluruh anggota tubuhnya dari perbuatan dosa. Yang berpuasa tetapi sebenarnya berbuka adalah yang lapar dan haus, tetapi tercemar anggota tubuhnya (dalam perbuatan dosa).

    Niat Puasa Ramadhan ( Harian )

    Ù†َÙˆَÙŠْتُ صَÙˆْÙ…َ رَÙ…َضَانَ Ù„ِÙ„َّÙ‡ِ تَعَالَÙ‰

    Maksudnya : Sahaja aku berpuasa esok hari pada bulan Ramadhan kerana Allah Taala.

    Niat Puasa Ramadhan ( Sebulan )

    Ù†َÙˆَÙŠْتُ صَÙˆْÙ…َ Ø´َÙ‡ْرِ رَÙ…َضَانَ ÙƒِÙ„ِّÙ‡ِ Ù„ِÙ„َّÙ‡ِ تَعَالَÙ‰

    Maksudnya : Sahaja aku berpuasa sebulan Ramadhan tahun ini kerana Allah Taala.

AMI BIOS beep codes

Below are the AMI BIOS Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

Beep CodeDescriptions
1 shortDRAM refresh failure
2 shortParity circuit failure
3 shortBase 64K RAM failure
4 shortSystem timer failure
5 shortProcess failure
6 shortKeyboard controller Gate A20 error
7 shortVirtual mode exception error
8 shortDisplay memory Read/Write test failure
9 shortROM BIOS checksum failure
10 shortCMOS shutdown Read/Write error
11 shortCache Memory error
1 long, 3 shortConventional/Extended memory failure
1 long, 8 shortDisplay/Retrace test failed

AWARD BIOS beep codes

Below are Award BIOS Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

Beep CodeDescription
1 long, 2 shortIndicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information
Any other beep(s)RAM problem.

If any other correctable hardware issues, the BIOS will display a message.

IBM BIOS beep codes

Below are general IBM BIOS Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of models shipping with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

Beep CodeDescription
No BeepsNo Power, Loose Card, or Short.
1 Short BeepNormal POST, computer is ok.
2 Short BeepPOST error, review screen for error code.
Continuous BeepNo Power, Loose Card, or Short.
Repeating Short BeepNo Power, Loose Card, or Short.
One Long and one Short BeepMotherboard issue.
One Long and Two Short BeepsVideo (Mono/CGA Display Circuitry) issue.
One Long and Three Short Beeps.Video (EGA) Display Circuitry.
Three Long BeepsKeyboard / Keyboard card error.
One Beep, Blank or Incorrect DisplayVideo Display Circuitry.

Macintosh startup tones

Error Tone. (two sets of different tones)Problem with logic board or SCSI bus.
Startup tone, drive spins, no videoProblem with video controller.
Powers on, no tone.Logic board problem.
High Tone, four higher tones.Problem with SIMM.

Phoenix BIOS beep codes

Below are the beep codes for Phoenix BIOS Q3.07 OR 4.X

Beep CodeDescription / What to Check
1-1-1-3Verify Real Mode.
1-1-2-1Get CPU type.
1-1-2-3Initialize system hardware.
1-1-3-1Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values.
1-1-3-2Set in POST flag.
1-1-3-3Initialize CPU registers.
1-1-4-1Initialize cache to initial POST values.
1-1-4-3Initialize I/O.
1-2-1-1Initialize Power Management.
1-2-1-2Load alternate registers with initial POST values.
1-2-1-3Jump to UserPatch0.
1-2-2-1Initialize keyboard controller.
1-2-2-3BIOS ROM checksum.
1-2-3-18254 timer initialization.
1-2-3-38237 DMA controller initialization.
1-2-4-1Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller.
1-3-1-1Test DRAM refresh.
1-3-1-3Test 8742 Keyboard Controller.
1-3-2-1Set ES segment to register to 4 GB.
1-3-3-128 Autosize DRAM.
1-3-3-3Clear 512K base RAM.
1-3-4-1Test 512 base address lines.
1-3-4-3Test 512K base memory.
1-4-1-3Test CPU bus-clock frequency.
1-4-2-4Reinitialize the chipset.
1-4-3-1Shadow system BIOS ROM.
1-4-3-2Reinitialize the cache.
1-4-3-3Autosize cache.
1-4-4-1Configure advanced chipset registers.
1-4-4-2Load alternate registers with CMOS values.
2-1-1-1Set Initial CPU speed.
2-1-1-3Initialize interrupt vectors.
2-1-2-1Initialize BIOS interrupts.
2-1-2-3Check ROM copyright notice.
2-1-2-4Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs.
2-1-3-1Check video configuration against CMOS.
2-1-3-2Initialize PCI bus and devices.
2-1-3-3Initialize all video adapters in system.
2-1-4-1Shadow video BIOS ROM.
2-1-4-3Display copyright notice.
2-2-1-1Display CPU type and speed.
2-2-1-3Test keyboard.
2-2-2-1Set key click if enabled.
2-2-2-356 Enable keyboard.
2-2-3-1Test for unexpected interrupts.
2-2-3-3Display prompt Press F2 to enter SETUP.
2-2-4-1Test RAM between 512 and 640k.
2-3-1-1Test expanded memory.
2-3-1-3Test extended memory address lines.
2-3-2-1Jump to UserPatch1.
2-3-2-3Configure advanced cache registers.
2-3-3-1Enable external and CPU caches.
2-3-3-3Display external cache size.
2-3-4-1Display shadow message.
2-3-4-3Display non-disposable segments.
2-4-1-1Display error messages.
2-4-1-3Check for configuration errors.
2-4-2-1Test real-time clock.
2-4-2-3Check for keyboard errors
2-4-4-1Set up hardware interrupts vectors.
2-4-4-3Test coprocessor if present.
3-1-1-1Disable onboard I/O ports.
3-1-1-3Detect and install external RS232 ports.
3-1-2-1Detect and install external parallel ports.
3-1-2-3Re-initialize onboard I/O ports.
3-1-3-1Initialize BIOS Data Area.
3-1-3-3Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area.
3-1-4-1Initialize floppy controller.
3-2-1-1Initialize hard-disk controller.
3-2-1-2Initialize local-bus hard-disk controller.
3-2-1-3Jump to UserPatch2.
3-2-2-1Disable A20 address line.
3-2-2-3Clear huge ES segment register.
3-2-3-1Search for option ROMs.
3-2-3-3Shadow option ROMs.
3-2-4-1Set up Power Management.
3-2-4-3Enable hardware interrupts.
3-3-1-1Set time of day.
3-3-1-3Check key lock.
3-3-3-1Erase F2 prompt.
3-3-3-3Scan for F2 key stroke.
3-3-4-1Enter SETUP.
3-3-4-3Clear in-POST flag.
3-4-1-1Check for errors
3-4-1-3POST done--prepare to boot operating system.
3-4-2-1One beep.
3-4-2-3Check password (optional).
3-4-3-1Clear global descriptor table.
3-4-4-1Clear parity checkers.
3-4-4-3Clear screen (optional).
3-4-4-4Check virus and backup reminders.
4-1-1-1Try to boot with INT 19.
4-2-1-1Interrupt handler error.
4-2-1-3Unknown interrupt error.
4-2-2-1Pending interrupt error.
4-2-2-3Initialize option ROM error.
4-2-3-1Shutdown error.
4-2-3-3Extended Block Move.
4-2-4-1Shutdown 10 error.
4-3-1-3Initialize the chipset.
4-3-1-4Initialize refresh counter.
4-3-2-1Check for Forced Flash.
4-3-2-2Check HW status of ROM.
4-3-2-3BIOS ROM is OK.
4-3-2-4Do a complete RAM test.
4-3-3-1Do OEM initialization.
4-3-3-2Initialize interrupt controller.
4-3-3-3Read in bootstrap code.
4-3-3-4Initialize all vectors.
4-3-4-1Boot the Flash program.
4-3-4-2Initialize the boot device.
4-3-4-3Boot code was read OK.

AMI BIOS beep codes

Below are the AMI BIOS Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

Beep CodeDescriptions
1 shortDRAM refresh failure
2 shortParity circuit failure
3 shortBase 64K RAM failure
4 shortSystem timer failure
5 shortProcess failure
6 shortKeyboard controller Gate A20 error
7 shortVirtual mode exception error
8 shortDisplay memory Read/Write test failure
9 shortROM BIOS checksum failure
10 shortCMOS shutdown Read/Write error
11 shortCache Memory error
1 long, 3 shortConventional/Extended memory failure
1 long, 8 shortDisplay/Retrace test failed

AWARD BIOS beep codes

Below are Award BIOS Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of different computer manufacturers with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

Beep CodeDescription
1 long, 2 shortIndicates a video error has occurred and the BIOS cannot initialize the video screen to display any additional information
Any other beep(s)RAM problem.

If any other correctable hardware issues, the BIOS will display a message.

IBM BIOS beep codes

Below are general IBM BIOS Beep codes that can occur. However, because of the wide variety of models shipping with this BIOS, the beep codes may vary.

Beep CodeDescription
No BeepsNo Power, Loose Card, or Short.
1 Short BeepNormal POST, computer is ok.
2 Short BeepPOST error, review screen for error code.
Continuous BeepNo Power, Loose Card, or Short.
Repeating Short BeepNo Power, Loose Card, or Short.
One Long and one Short BeepMotherboard issue.
One Long and Two Short BeepsVideo (Mono/CGA Display Circuitry) issue.
One Long and Three Short Beeps.Video (EGA) Display Circuitry.
Three Long BeepsKeyboard / Keyboard card error.
One Beep, Blank or Incorrect DisplayVideo Display Circuitry.

Macintosh startup tones

Error Tone. (two sets of different tones)Problem with logic board or SCSI bus.
Startup tone, drive spins, no videoProblem with video controller.
Powers on, no tone.Logic board problem.
High Tone, four higher tones.Problem with SIMM.

Phoenix BIOS beep codes

Below are the beep codes for Phoenix BIOS Q3.07 OR 4.X

Beep CodeDescription / What to Check
1-1-1-3Verify Real Mode.
1-1-2-1Get CPU type.
1-1-2-3Initialize system hardware.
1-1-3-1Initialize chipset registers with initial POST values.
1-1-3-2Set in POST flag.
1-1-3-3Initialize CPU registers.
1-1-4-1Initialize cache to initial POST values.
1-1-4-3Initialize I/O.
1-2-1-1Initialize Power Management.
1-2-1-2Load alternate registers with initial POST values.
1-2-1-3Jump to UserPatch0.
1-2-2-1Initialize keyboard controller.
1-2-2-3BIOS ROM checksum.
1-2-3-18254 timer initialization.
1-2-3-38237 DMA controller initialization.
1-2-4-1Reset Programmable Interrupt Controller.
1-3-1-1Test DRAM refresh.
1-3-1-3Test 8742 Keyboard Controller.
1-3-2-1Set ES segment to register to 4 GB.
1-3-3-128 Autosize DRAM.
1-3-3-3Clear 512K base RAM.
1-3-4-1Test 512 base address lines.
1-3-4-3Test 512K base memory.
1-4-1-3Test CPU bus-clock frequency.
1-4-2-4Reinitialize the chipset.
1-4-3-1Shadow system BIOS ROM.
1-4-3-2Reinitialize the cache.
1-4-3-3Autosize cache.
1-4-4-1Configure advanced chipset registers.
1-4-4-2Load alternate registers with CMOS values.
2-1-1-1Set Initial CPU speed.
2-1-1-3Initialize interrupt vectors.
2-1-2-1Initialize BIOS interrupts.
2-1-2-3Check ROM copyright notice.
2-1-2-4Initialize manager for PCI Options ROMs.
2-1-3-1Check video configuration against CMOS.
2-1-3-2Initialize PCI bus and devices.
2-1-3-3Initialize all video adapters in system.
2-1-4-1Shadow video BIOS ROM.
2-1-4-3Display copyright notice.
2-2-1-1Display CPU type and speed.
2-2-1-3Test keyboard.
2-2-2-1Set key click if enabled.
2-2-2-356 Enable keyboard.
2-2-3-1Test for unexpected interrupts.
2-2-3-3Display prompt Press F2 to enter SETUP.
2-2-4-1Test RAM between 512 and 640k.
2-3-1-1Test expanded memory.
2-3-1-3Test extended memory address lines.
2-3-2-1Jump to UserPatch1.
2-3-2-3Configure advanced cache registers.
2-3-3-1Enable external and CPU caches.
2-3-3-3Display external cache size.
2-3-4-1Display shadow message.
2-3-4-3Display non-disposable segments.
2-4-1-1Display error messages.
2-4-1-3Check for configuration errors.
2-4-2-1Test real-time clock.
2-4-2-3Check for keyboard errors
2-4-4-1Set up hardware interrupts vectors.
2-4-4-3Test coprocessor if present.
3-1-1-1Disable onboard I/O ports.
3-1-1-3Detect and install external RS232 ports.
3-1-2-1Detect and install external parallel ports.
3-1-2-3Re-initialize onboard I/O ports.
3-1-3-1Initialize BIOS Data Area.
3-1-3-3Initialize Extended BIOS Data Area.
3-1-4-1Initialize floppy controller.
3-2-1-1Initialize hard-disk controller.
3-2-1-2Initialize local-bus hard-disk controller.
3-2-1-3Jump to UserPatch2.
3-2-2-1Disable A20 address line.
3-2-2-3Clear huge ES segment register.
3-2-3-1Search for option ROMs.
3-2-3-3Shadow option ROMs.
3-2-4-1Set up Power Management.
3-2-4-3Enable hardware interrupts.
3-3-1-1Set time of day.
3-3-1-3Check key lock.
3-3-3-1Erase F2 prompt.
3-3-3-3Scan for F2 key stroke.
3-3-4-1Enter SETUP.
3-3-4-3Clear in-POST flag.
3-4-1-1Check for errors
3-4-1-3POST done--prepare to boot operating system.
3-4-2-1One beep.
3-4-2-3Check password (optional).
3-4-3-1Clear global descriptor table.
3-4-4-1Clear parity checkers.
3-4-4-3Clear screen (optional).
3-4-4-4Check virus and backup reminders.
4-1-1-1Try to boot with INT 19.
4-2-1-1Interrupt handler error.
4-2-1-3Unknown interrupt error.
4-2-2-1Pending interrupt error.
4-2-2-3Initialize option ROM error.
4-2-3-1Shutdown error.
4-2-3-3Extended Block Move.
4-2-4-1Shutdown 10 error.
4-3-1-3Initialize the chipset.
4-3-1-4Initialize refresh counter.
4-3-2-1Check for Forced Flash.
4-3-2-2Check HW status of ROM.
4-3-2-3BIOS ROM is OK.
4-3-2-4Do a complete RAM test.
4-3-3-1Do OEM initialization.
4-3-3-2Initialize interrupt controller.
4-3-3-3Read in bootstrap code.
4-3-3-4Initialize all vectors.
4-3-4-1Boot the Flash program.
4-3-4-2Initialize the boot device.
4-3-4-3Boot code was read OK.
Selasa, 24 Mei 2011
Gambar Sebelum Pusat Akses Dihias...
Gambar Selepas Pusat Akses Dihias

Terima Kasih kepada FT2 daerah Jasin kerana menjayakan Projek Menaiktaraf ICT SKMB fasa 1 di sekolah ini. Pada asalnya rangkaian internet hanya dapat digunakan di makmal ict sahaja. Tetapi kini dengan bantuan khidmat bantu FT2 yang terlibat, rangkaian internet sudah dapat digunakan di pusat akses dan pejabat.

FT2 yang terlibat dalam projek ini ialah:
Nurul Amira Bt Md Nasir- tuan rumah
Adam Ng b Luqman Ulhakim - SMK Nyalas
Mohd Asri b Ismail - SMK Simpang Bekoh
Md Yusuf b Muhammad - SK Nyalas
Mohd Hazani b Mohd Aziz - SK Felda Bkt Senggeh
Mohd Shahid b Mohd Fadil - SK Asahan

Turut menjayakan projek ini adalah:
En Imran b Lamin - Pegawai Teknologi Pendidikan (PKG)
En Mohamed Azrul b Mohamed Zabidi - Guru Pembestarian Bestari SK Masjid Baru

Khamis, 10 Mac 2011
Spam adalah pesan-pesan yang dikirim kepada anda tentang informasi-informasi yang sama sekali tidak berkaitan selama aktiviti berinternet. Dikenal juga dengan sebutan ‘junk-email’, yang mengiklankan produk atau layanan-layanan tertentu.

Dari mana datang Spam

Hackers yang melakukan hal ini biasanya mengirimkan iklan-iklan mereka kepada anda, beberapa diantaranya bertujuan untuk menyebarkan virus, trojan, dan worms. Secara umum spam terkirim melalui email dan seiring dengan perkembangan internet sebagai media komunikasi dan sosial, spam kini juga dapat ditemukan pada blogs, instant messaging (chat), laman jaringan berbual dan sosial (social networking sites), dan bahkan sudah berjangkit ke telefon selular yang anda gunakan.

adalah iklan produk atau penawaran layanan yang merupakan tawaran dari sebuah laman atau aplikasi. Script yang ditulis pada suatu halaman web memungkinkan adware untuk berjalan sendiri (autorun applications) yang akan muncul pada saat kita surfing di suatu laman tertentu atau sedang menjalankan aplikasi. Biasanya adware sangat senang untuk di non-aktifkan, tapi tidak dengan adware yang memiliki suatu teknik anti-removal dan ini biasanya sangat mengganggu.

Apa efek Adware terhadap komputer

Anda akan melihat (pop-up windows) yang berisikan iklan-iklan ketika anda membuka halaman-halaman tertentu (yang memasang adware pada script-nya). Dgn cara lain, anda juga boleh diserang adware ketika menjalankan aplikasi dari program-program yang di install di dalam komputer anda, misalkan anda sedang bekerja dengan program-program di pejabat seperti office atau anda sedang menjalankan program game tertentu.


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